

First Blog Post

I want to treat this place as a venting hole, talking about daily life, work, study, and life.

Recently, because of my birthday, I made a video for myself, which made me realize that I still have a lot of free time. Previously, I was immersed in games, feeling that time was passing by and I was gaining nothing, accumulating anxiety in my heart, and my thinking became lazy. During this period, I tried to restrain my desires, spend more time thinking and reading, and felt that my mood became comfortable, and the pleasure I gained was no less than what games brought.

But daydreaming cannot bring results. If I want to grow, I still need to leave a mark and make substantial changes. I think it's time to find my goals and motivation again. After all, only labor creates value, and practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

It's been a long time since I expressed myself. I feel that my knowledge reserve and logical expression have regressed a lot. I will read more books and try to express my opinions more. I can also share some trivial matters in life, and find the shining self again

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